Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Some people shouldn't be trusted to have children

There are countless examples.  I wish more people would use birth control.

It's not the first time Obama has faced ire from the right when it comes to childhood nutrition. Sarah Palin told Ingraham last fall that "the first lady cannot trust parents to make decisions for their own children, for their own families in what we should eat."

Sometimes I think there should be a parenthood test, if you don't meet a certain standard, you shouldn't be able to reproduce.  These issues bring to mind one of my friends from middle school telling me about her time as a social worker in NYC.  One mother in one of the programs was smoking while pregnant.  Please.  Although, the government can't be the one to monitor these sorts of things and tell people what to do.  It should come from a culture change, stemming from education.   

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