Monday, February 22, 2010

Really? Is this necessary?

Now, just a quick disclaimer so people don't get too mad at me again and try to twist my words around and make assumptions... I'm saying that its sad that things have to go this far and it's sad that common sense is so absent in our society. That's the moral of the story, nothing else.

This goes right along with labels on plastic bags saying "this bag is not a toy, can cause suffication." Why the hell, with all the kids' toys out there, would somebody let a kid play with a plastic bag? How about, give the kid a cardboard box, unless they tend to eat cardboard, then maybe bad idea. But really, a kid can choke on anything, that statement should be the understood statement of our existance. I've chocked on a noddle before, that should make me realize that many things can cause chocking. I wouldn't be surprised if someday situated on the steering wheel of my car in black letters it says "If you drive this car, you could get in a car accident and DIE or find your brain contents on the pavement, whereas then you will DIE."

Yesterday, I got my tire changed. The guy made me sign a statement that said right at the bottom, "I will not sue you." What has this country come to?

And what ever happened to swine flu?

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