Thursday, August 21, 2008

Latest and Greatest

Isn't Tom adorable? For some reason he likes to make funny faces in pictures rather than show me that sexy smile of his. I'll get him to lighten up eventually and smile for pictures. Only because I think he looks so damn good. :)
I found my old blog too. Kind of rather a bit a lot embarrassing. Sigh. I'll let you indulge:

It's funny though really, 5 months ago I wasn't in such a good place. Hell 4 months ago I wasn't either, but things have started to look up. Time to myself without a certain manipulative lying SOB who I should have kicked to the curb two years ago when I met him, really did me a hell of a lot of good. I just wonder about some things. I really have never been in love before. I can say that pretty confidently at this point. If I thought I loved somebody, I was never at the same place with them. Either I'm in love and they're not or they're in love and I'm not. Or it was puppy love in like middle school. I shouldn't kid myself. Maybe things will change soon. I hope they do. I'm pulling for a particular brown-eyed boy to rock my world.... or wait.....

Some things I thought I should bring up... Holy crap. Whats the deal with this girl China had lip sync because the girl really singing wasn't cute enough?! What in the world is with that? "The national interest requires that the girl should have good looks and a good grasp of the song and look good on screen" (From the site above). Now lets see... Since when has the way a little girls teeth look been in the interest of any nation? I mean, there are plenty of ugly people out there that we allow to be representatives of our gov't in real life. Not just a young kid that will probably grow out of anything that they're talking about. And really, who the hell cares? Seems like a cute kid to me. Although, I will admit, I have that syndrome where I think all Asian kids are cute no matter what. I think that was Tom that was telling me about that; all Korean kids looked cute as hell. My best friend is half Thai and when I look at pictures of us when we were kids, she was a way cuter kid than me. Hahaa... Her mom always had her in pig tails with that thick yarn in her hair. I always remember her dressed in yellow. Eh, anyway. I'll have to find some of those pics. Sal would looove that. Watch the video, that's funny stuff. Should you have stuck with the "ugly" girl and not had the other one look like a dork lip synchin'.

Next, I heard about people wanting to debate lowering the drinking age. Apparently, a bunch of college presidents signed on to opening a nation-wide debate about this. It is odd that of all countries that allow drinking, the US is the only country in the world that requires one to be 21 to enjoy a frothy brew, or whatever your drink of choice happens to be. The majority of all countries in the world think that 18 is a sufficent age for drinking. Why is the US so different? In my personal experience in college, I can remember the effects of "bar raids." I remember the conversation about Conrad's getting "raided," and subsequently shut down because of underage drinking. I remember most clearly what happened to college students that wouldn't go into bars. They'd get drunk behind closed doors in the apartment or frat house. And since if you're behind closed doors, you might as well just start smoking weed. And if you start smoking weed, you might as well start snorting coke... And they did. And they did worse. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that that's what happening... They can't drink since its illegal, and then why not do other things that are illegal? I remember thinking in college that it was rather sick that the cops were so proud of how many college students they caught underage drinking... in a town with a horrible crime rate. I know one of my sorority sisters got her Honda broken into 3 times. A guy from ROTC got a breifcase stolen out of his pickup. And bacon was worried about college students having a good time drinking beer in a bar(walking, not driving to the bars, I might add). And speaking of ROTC and serving your country... Responsible enough to join the Army, sign your life away, and not drink a beer? Old enough to die for your country (and there are those who have), and you can't have a beer during a redeployment party? What the hell is wrong with that picture? In a lot of places you can get legally married before being able to drink a beer. Messed up priorities? Yes. I think so.

All right. That's enough for today. Our play "FOB" is supposed to get "attacked" soon. I happen to be out in the field training... but its late and I'm bored.

1 comment:

Sal Go said...

whatever, we were both cute/crazy. keep up with the blog dammit! I love reading it.