Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I should be balding with the amount of hair falling out of my head.

Have you ever shedded a lot? I do a lot for some reason. Maybe it's stress.

Anyway, I'm getting kind of annoyed at work. I may not be the brightest crayon in the box. But I'm sick of people acting like I'm dumb. I'm about to start getting nasty with people who start lecturing me like I'm an idiot. I'm freakin young yes, I haven't had people to properly mentor me or whatever cliche Army way you want to say it, I've learned just about everything I know by screwing something up because most people would rather see me fail. I'd like to think I'm just getting all the fuck ups out of the way and someday soon maybe things will start going better because I will have screwed up enough for their to be not so many places where I could fuck up anymore... Ugh. If that makes any sense at all...

This whole thing is giving me a rather large headache. That seems to be the theme for this week. Week of many headaches.

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